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Thursday, May 3, 2012

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I have a new Blogspot and will probably be writing on there alot instead of here so check it out.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Going going gone...

So recent news is that borders around the world have been filing for bankruptcy and are now going out of businesses. What does that mean for our need of books? Is Barnes and Noble the only main chain bookstore left among all of the family owned and mom and pop bookstores? Will we still be able to use our Kindles even with the main store to buy books from gone? Those are my thoughts and questions with this latest book epidemic and Im going to try to find some articles and answers for those questions. If you have any other questions that you think I might be able to answer let me know and I will do the best that I can with my resources.

First what does this mean for books everywhere: I think that this means that the use of paper back and hard back books is on a decline. I have seen this more recently with all of the e-readers out there bringing in more online books rather than buying the books that take up space. Sure I think that things like the kindle and the nook are great, but it is lessening the value of book stores and touchable books. Its helping places like Amazon thrive, but making local book stores file for bankruptcy. Book stores provide jobs for the community, e-books let Amazon keep the jobs they already have.

Barnes and Noble: So far it is the biggest chain still left of all the book stores, though I have seen a few of the filing for bankruptcy too. How long until they close their doors forever? Well hopefully not for a while or else costs of getting paper books will skyrocket since all we will have to use is local bookstores. I have notice that when you want to order a book thats not popular from a local bookstore that they have to inflate the price by a few dollars. That price will go up if they end up being the only book stores we have left.

Kindles: So yes you can still use your Kindles even with Borders gone. It just means that your going to have to get most of your e-books from Amazon or other websites that you find online. I don't know if its the same for the Kindle but my Nook connects directly to Barnes and Noble to buy books. If it is the same for the Kindle I hope that maybe it will just connect directly to Amazon or the internet when the stores are gone.

So there you have it. That is all the information I have gotten on this topic so far, but I'll keep looking for more updates and if anyone else knows anything you should leave some comments. Or just if you have questions that you want me to find the answers for leave a comment.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Chimps Vs. Humans....

Our species is vastly and slightly different than other primates for two simple facts; our socializing and community skill and our technology. Sure other primates can work together to a certain extent to get what they need like food or protection, but with humans it seems to go deeper than that. It seems like we need to converse with other people on a daily basis just to keep being happy. Not only does conversing have an effect on our mood but it has an effect on our social acceptance and even our work standing. We get jobs based on how well we present ourselves to others and if we have good social skills. Primates don’t need this because they only have to forage for food and they have no need of material possessions like humans seem too. They can communicate to get help with foraging or just to create relationships with others but most of the time they are completely fine on their own which is not the same as with humans. Unless a human is living on a desert island with no other inhabitants on it, they will have contact with other humans at least once a day if not more. Whether it is just going out and talking to people you know on the street or the people you live with, humans talk to at least one person a day. Chimps, unless they are living in groups may not have this opportunity to talk.
Another difference between humans and chimps is technology. While other primates are still learning how to use stone tools, humans have advanced in the technology field and are able to make such things as computer, cars, televisions, and they can even send themselves to the moon. Chimps can barely come up with new ways to gather food let alone how to make a computer, but if shown how may be able to use such a device. Will there one day be a time when a chimp can make such a device, or will they be stuck learning how to use our devices forever?

Michael P. Fay...

"Michael Peter Fay (born May 30, 1975) is an American who briefly shot to worldwide notoriety when he was sentenced to caning in Singapore as an 18-year-old in 1994 for theft and vandalism. Caning is a routine court sentence in Singapore but most Americans were unfamiliar with it, and Fay's case was believed to be the first caning involving an American citizen.[1]

The number of cane strokes in his sentence was reduced from six to four after U.S. officials requested leniency." (

The rights in Singapore differ from the rights in America so his rights were not violated under the law. However they should have taken into consideration that the officers in charge of his case used force to get the answer that they wanted out of him, and should look further into the matter rather than just flogging him for a crime he might not have committed. It seems to be that the Singapore justice system is lacking not only in fair punishments but in fair ways to conduct investigations. In America flogging is a violation of peoples rights, and I believe that this is a good thing. What if and officer decided to take it to far and beat an accused to death? This is cruel punishment and our system seems to be working ok so why would we end up changing it to something that most Americans would be against anyway. We have more legal ways to find out if a person has committed a crime or not unlike in Singapore and they may just use this punishment as a deterrent so that others will not commit the same crime in the future. Since their law system isn’t as functioning as ours this may be the only way to keep certain crimes from happening again, but some crimes like Michael Fays deserve a less severe punishment. Only those who have committed a serious crime should be given such a drastic punishment. Instead other crimes should be given probation or time incarcerated instead of being beaten with a cane.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Healthy Choices....

Things like natural remedies, taking Vitamins and exercising seem to be all the rage in today’s society with being skinny being the new fad. The skinner and healthier you are the more liked and more looked upon with praise you are. But doing things like taking Vitamins and natural remedies are sometimes questioned. Do they really make us more healthy or are we just fooling ourselves?
Its not just taking Vitamins that we should be doing, though they help too. We should also be focusing on what we put into our bodies food and drink wise. It has been shown that certain foods have enough vitamins and nutrients to help fight off different types of diseases. Some examples of foods to eat are: Mushrooms which have Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, selenium, and cancer preventing properties; Goji berries which contain Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, Beta carotene, zeaxanthin, and can help eyesight and help prevent age-related macular degeneration; and Flaxseed and soybeans which help fight breast cancer. These are only a few of the many foods out there that can help fight different disease and give you the essential vitamins and minerals that you need on a daily basis. One of the main drinks that people can switch to drinking to help them out is tea. There are four different types of tea in the world: Red, Black, White, and Green. The two types of tea that help the most and that doctors recommend drinking every day are white and green to help fight cancer and heart attacks. It is so easy to live healthier just by switching your diet around a little, but even if you don’t do that there are still different types of vitamins that you can take to help you live healthier.
It is a known fact that there are a lot of types of vitamins in the world today and not everyone is going to take every single one of them, but there are a few important ones that you should pay close attention too. When your younger you need lots of Vitamins A, C, and Calcium to help with Vision, cell development, immune function, making collagen, fighting free radicals, and bone growth. Now that your older most of those things are done and you need to worry about a whole new set of vitamins like magnesium, potassium, fiber, iron, and zinc just to name a few, for your every day functions. They keep your body going if you don’t get enough in the foods you eat. Now your wondering if this is enough to keep you healthy and what do you do if you end up sick anyway?
Well there are natural cures out there that you can use to help you instead of antibiotics, since there is a scare about bacteria becoming resistant to them. One of the most well know natural cures to problems is Aloe Vera which helps with healing minor burns and sunburns, antifungal infections, has antioxidants, and is wound healing. The best part is that it is easily grown in your backyard. Another remedy that is well known is Ginger. It helps Ease digestive upset, diarrhea, and the urge to vomit. Also helps rheumatoid arthritis, or common joint and muscle pain. Also another thing easy to come by since you can find it in most grocery stores. One natural remedy that people aren’t as familiar with is Dandelions. They are a source of Vitamin A, helps the liver detoxify, kidneys eliminate waste products, and digestive problems. Who knew that a weed could be so helpful?
Most people are finding themselves looking at more natural remedies with the threat of antibiotics not working anymore, and most health associations encourage it. If people really want to learn healthier ways to live they can check out books from the library, talk to the heath care officials, and read web sources on things that are good to eat and that help cure natural aliments.

Other things you should know/be able to use:
Food to eat/drink:
-Coldwater fish: salmon tuna, mackerel=contain nutrients to promote a healthy heart, improve mental function and clarity, and to alleviate depression
-Tea: jasmine, sanpin, oolong tea, white tea=free radical fighters, and reduces risks of heart attack
-Tomatoes=fights cancers of the prostate, lung, stomach, pancreas, colon, rectum, esophagus, mouth, breast, and cervix
-Citrus fruits=vitamin C and fights free radicals
-Sweet potatoes=Anticancer compounds, Vitamin A, and beta carotene
-Flaxseed and soybeans=fight breast cancer
-Kiwi=Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Potassium, Vitamin A, reduces inflammatory response, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, colon cancer, atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease
-Walnuts=Protects arteries, Alpha linolenic acid, and plant based fatty acids
-Blood oranges=Vitamin C, Colds
-Goji berries=Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, Beta carotene, zeaxanthin, can help eyesight and help prevent age-related macular degeneration
-Sea buckthorn=Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beta Carotene, bioflavonoids, omega-9 fatty acid, anti inflammatory and help tissues heal
-Mangosteens= boost immune health
-Garbanzo beans=Fiber, lower cholesterol, prevent heart disease, constipation, digestive problems, keeps blood sugar stable, lower blood pressure
-Mushrooms=Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, selenium, cancer preventing properties

-A=Vision, cell development, and immune function
-C=help make collagen, and fights free radicals
-Calcium=bone health
-Magnesium=risk of diabetes drops, osteoporosis, and prevent migraine headaches
-Potassium=control blood pressure
-Fiber=heart disease, intestinal function, and digestive problems, cholesterol and blood sugar
-Folate=rapid cell division and growth such as infancy and pregnancy
-B12=help make DNA, healthy nerve and red blood cells
-B6=nervous system and immune system
-D=promoting calcium absorption, strong bones, lung cancer
-Selenium=free-radical damage and boosts immune function
-Zinc=immune health, proper thyroid function and wound healing, improves sense of smell and taste

Herbs and Healing:
-Aloe Vera=Heal minor burns and sunburns, antifungal, antioxidant, wound healing.
-Astragalus=Bolster the immune system, common cold, upper respiratory infections.
-Bilberry=prevent cataracts, varicose veins, and other circulatory problems. Is used in treating Diabetes.
-Black Cohosh= symptoms of menopause, vaginal dryness, night sweats, hot flashes, menstrual irregularities and premenstrual syndrome. Can lower blood pressure
-Cranberry= prevent urinary tract infections, antioxidant and anticancer activity.
-Dandelion=Source of Vitamin A, liver detoxify, kidneys eliminate waste products minor, and digestive problems.
-Echinacea=treat or prevent colds, flu, and upper respiratory infections. Stimulates the immune system.
-Evening Primrose Oil=Contains gamma-linolenic acid. rheumatoid arthritis, women with PMS, and with breast pain.
-Feverfew=Migraine, headaches, and rheumatoid arthritis.
-Flaxseed and Flaxseed oil=Hot flashes, breast pain, and arthritis. Effective laxative.
-Garlic=Cold or flu, reduce high cholesterol, and plaque in arteries.
-Ginger=Ease digestive upset, diarrhea, and the urge to vomit. Also rheumatoid arthritis, or common joint and muscle pain.
-Ginkgo=Memory booster, circulation, and better blood flow. Good for Alzheimer’s and senility to tinnitus and macular degeneration.